Thursday, June 13, 2013

LiDAR is like an invisible rain! by Gurudatta K.N.

LiDAR is an advanced form of field survey, resulting in a cloud of points simulating the field.

To understand LiDAR, just look through the window on a rainy day. Observe how the rain drops from the cloud and hits the ground. On its way, a particular rain drop can hit a tree and then can further hit a roof and finally reach the ground. There will be millions of such rain drops.

In a LiDAR, the cloud is the emitter, the rain drops are the Laser beams invisible to naked eye, only difference is the laser beam after hitting its target, returns to its source. The various target hits are called echoes and are millions in count. These echoes convey their geographic location and elevation above ground. This type of LiDAR is known as Airborne LiDAR.

A garden water sprinkler represents Terrestrial LiDAR and when it’s on moving vehicle, it becomes Mobile Terrestrial LiDAR.

Gurudatta K.N., Project Manager - LiDAR, Egis Geoplan Pvt. LTD

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